Monday, March 5, 2007


Brian was a little bit quiet today. I found him outside his room when I got there. He has a new chair that is much more compact. He no longer needs the soft foam seat, the slanting back, or the head support. This one is much lighter and will be easier for him and the rest of us to maneuver. We sat in the hallway to talk to George and Larry . As usual, George does most of the talking. Nice guy. Brian was silent but paying attention. He backed himself into the room so we watched TV for awhile. Dinner came and the fruit was actually real pieces. Pineapple and mandarin oranges. He ate them by himself and had no problem chewing or swallowing. He also had hot chocolate and some sherbet. He told me that he had a headache. 3 on a scale of 1-10. Matt gave him tylenol with his other meds and the bolus. He wanted to lean back in the chair...not possible any more so he relaxed in bed. I 'm pretty sure he misses Rachel. Maybe we will do a countdown til her return. Come visit! Til next time...Marcy :)

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