Saturday, March 10, 2007


Real quick before work...Stacey visited yesterday and there was a lot of commotion about Brian leaving. People coming and going and saying goodbye and wishing him well. All sounds great but he was confused and I think worried. After the dust settled down, he wrote to Stacey, call my mom, which would have worked but I had no phone yesterday. He then wrote, I want to go home. When Greg and I got there, he was done with dinner and everyone said he was tooling around in the chair all afternoon looking for his family. I had brought homemade tater soup and after he said hello to us he ate some and said ," wow, there's bacon in the soup". Greg shared some music from his phone which is called a chocolate phone. It looks like an I-pod. He loved the tunes and told me that he wanted a chocolate, too. He already has a phone on a plan with Rachel so I'm going to get him some kind of I-pod thing but not at RIM. He talked quite a bit in a strong voice. That was great to hear. I told him about the move in 3 days. That we would be with him and that they will help him to get ready to go home. As we were leaving, he stole my water bottle, uncapped it and started chugging away. I'll bring him another today. Til later...Marcy :)

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