Thursday, March 1, 2007

A fun Thursday

I started the day by going to Social Security to apply for disability for Brian. They are very nice there and Mrs. Ortiz told me that I did a great job of gathering all the info they needed. Still,it took almost 2 hours to complete everything. Now we wait for approval.
Brian was waiting in the hall when I got there. It was close to lunchtime/medicinetime. He ate a full pudding cup before Matt gave him the bolus and his meds. He was nice and full for therapy. Rachel and Judy showed up a bit after me. Therapy started with a lot of heat and stretching. The heating pads make him itchy and the stretching is painful. But he endures it without complaint. When he was perched on the end of the "mat-table" Stacy made a comment about his long legs. I started to regale them with stories of Brian when he was about 4 and he had the shortest legs and this big ol'head. Alien boy! AND, the contrast to Greg who was 1 and soft and fat with crazy long legs and arms. He would wave those arms around when he walked to keep his balance. As I was demonstrating this Brian was laughing as much as the rest of us. It really put a sparkle in his eyes. Then, Stacy and Kristy got him up and walked with him right out of the room. Rachel followed right behind with the wheelchair in case he tuckered out. He did such a great job keeping his feet straight and didn't step on himself at all. The girls were so happy with him that they wheeled him to the nurses station so he could do it again with everyone watching. After all that bending and stretching and walking he was really ready to sit. We all went to the lounge and Brian and Rachel sat together on the couch again. Well, between Judys stories and my stories and Rachels laughing, you could see how much fun he was having. He was laughing and joining in and answering questions when asked. I mentioned how I accidentally held the shift button down on my keyboard for more than 8 seconds, and before I could say anything else, he yells out "sticky key". I had never heard of this until I did it, and Danny and I had to figure out how to get me out of it! So, the entire visit was a real blast.
Sheila was going to contact bc/bs about transferring to RIM. She had letters from the therapists and even Dr. Salloum is recommending it. I spoke later to a gal from California and explained to her the differences and how RIM has a lot of younger people and more advanced therapy and more to do so he won't get as bored. I told her it was farther but we didn't care because we all feel he will benefit so much from the move. Let's pray that this all works out for Brians good.
All for now, we're getting hungry!! Love, Marcy

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