Thursday, March 15, 2007

A couple more details about B

I got to visit Brian last night for about an hour after work. RIM is really amazing - definitely more modern than the rehab place in Clarkston. Totally state-of-the art and clean as can be. Marcy and I marveled at the clean bathroom, and there's a checklist to keep track of the cleaning schedule. Nice to know they try to control passing germs. Anyone concerned about Brian's recovery can really feel confident that he's getting the best possible therapy and care here.

Brian looked great, definitely fully alert as Auntie Marcy said. He showed us how they had him shooting hoops to work out his arms. And when it was time to go, Marcy just had to page the "sitter" who showed up within one minute to stay with Brian. He was yawning a little bit, but from what I know of Brian, he's not used to waking at 8 am. I'm thinking of July Birthdays up north when we were all up and swimming and running around by 10 am and Brian didn't crawl out of Joyce's cabin until like 1 in the afternoon!

And visitors, definitely get your ticket validated if you park in the Wayne State garage. I tried to sweet talk the attendant into giving me a break, since I had left my ticket in the car and couldn't get it validated. He wouldn't budge. $6 for an hour ain't easy to stomach.



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