Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tall people

On Sunday afternoon, Kelsey and I arrived to find Brian in his chair hanging out in the hallway. He had been up all day and the nurses could keep an eye on him from the station. It's apparant that he gets bored but he doesn't care to watch TV so he'd rather sit there and fiddle with a blanket and scoot around backwards. Rachel showed up after work with Mike Babiuk and about an hour later, Chris Ball, Chris Saunders, and Pauline and Bill came. We all were in the lounge at the end of the hall. It was a very nice visit with lots of laughter and reminiscing, throwing a goofy squishy ball around. I think Chris Saunders probably was amazed at how far Brian has come since he last saw him during the pneumonia spell at Harper.
Yesterday was the big move to 105. It's a big, private room. Very bright and sunny. Rachel already has all of the pictures and cards up so it's very nice. Brian is getting more interested in food although he doesn't eat a lot at a sitting. It's chopped fine, almost pureed still so it's hard to figure out which food is which.
Rachel and I finally met Dr. Salloum. He was very nice and very approachable. He told us that blood clots take about 3 months to fully resolve and any bit of swelling in his left ankle is not a concern right now. That's good news. He was very quick to point out how great Brian is doing and how fast he's moving up the recovery ladder. We discussed the replacement of the bone flap and how there really is no hurry from his standpoint. He felt that it might be best to wait until all signs of blood clots are gone so that there is no longer a need for blood thinners as there is now.
I brought him his own body wash and shampoo, toothpaste and brush, and Rachel wants to decorate the room with posters. I'm going to check into bringing in one of my zillion TV's with a remote cause he keeps asking where the box is to change channels. I've seen them in other rooms so I'm sure it's no problem-o.
Got to go to work now, til next time, Marcy

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