Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Hello everyone, I have had some difficulties getting on to the post part of this blog. Today, it's working. Here's what's going on. Yesterday, Brian had a thorough checkup at the Kresge Eye Institute. The best news is that the neuro-opthamologist could find no damage in either eye or in the optic nerve. Praise God! He checked to see if Brian possibly could use a stronger prescription, but that didn't seem to be useful. Apparantly, his eyes, just like his brain, need more time to heal and catch up to the strength that they normally had. Right now, vision is about 20/80 I believe. They were not able to get it any clearer. So, he just has to adjust and wait for more healing. There may always be some left side deficits or areas that he can't see as well, but again only time will tell. Today after therapizing, we go to see Dr. Cullis, his neurologist. He prescribes all the seizure meds and hasn't seen Brian yet. This will be a very long day. 1:45 to 4:00 at therapy and a 5:30 appt in Eastpointe for Cullis. Thank goodness the church ladies cook for us today. Therapy is very tiring both physically and mentally. Pray for strength for him to be successful in this area.
Brian would like to add some info. A big thank you and a hug to everyone who has been praying for me. Believe me I can tell that you are doing this. I hope to see you all this Saturday at my bowlathon. Love,Brian and Marcy :)

1 comment:

auntdeb said...

A GIANT hug right back to you, big guy!! Love, Aunt Deb