What up? Ben Kamm back up in the bleezy! If you're asking yourself what "bleezy" is, then you are obviously not very cool.
No offense.
Bleezy is slang for blog. At least, that's what I call it.
But I digress.
Me and Sarah went to visit Brian tonight and I thought I'd throw a couple details your way. At the very least, Zo will have a new blog entry to read on the crapper tomorrow AM.
Firstly, Scott and I created a CD for Brian. The CD cover is above, and is the fine work of one Scotthew A Kamm, the first.
Brian loved it.
We proceeded to jam to music for the next hour and Brian was "air guitaring" to the tunes. So that was cool.
He was also pretty talkative - we talked about how we hate cheese, love potato soup and stuff. We also talked about the music we were listening to. I put a few 311 songs on there cuz we both dig 311 ("Don't Dwell" is his fave 311 song as far as I know, so the CD kicks off with that). I mentioned that I also put "Light Years" from the album Transistor on the disc because I love that song.
He said he's "not a big fan of Transistor." That is of course blasphemy, and I was about to head right on out there in a steaming rage, but Sarah talked me out of it.
Sarah also read to him off the back of the CD and he cracked up at what Scott wrote on it. I don't remember what he wrote, so you'll have to just see it in his room.
Let's see, what else transpired?
Oh yeah, at one point I demonstrated for Brian how that sissy wimp DW-YANE Wade (Miami Heat) got hurt in a game last night and was CRYING. Yes, you heard me correctly, a grown man crying. Granted, he had a separated shoulder, but come on...
Anyway, for those who don't know, DW-YANE Wade is known for his flopping during games. That is, he fakes that he is fouled by flailing his arms wildly when nobody actually touches him, and he drops to the floor like he just got shot in the chest at close range by a M16 assault rifle.
He is so good at this little trick that I have zero doubt in my head he moonlights as a human instruction manual for the Italian national soccer team.
Now, I can only assume that he got injured whilst performing one of his trademark Oscar-worthy flops(I didn't see the game so I can't be sure). In order to demonstrate his floppy-ness to Sarah, who naturally was very curious (yeah right), I told her to pretend to be an NBA player and I would pretend to be DW-YANE Wade.
I says to her, I says "OK brush against me super lightly." She does, and I proceed to pull a Wade, flailing wildly and windmilling my arms rapidly as I tumble into the hallway and execute a perfect 10 barrel-roll across the floor...yelping and pretending to cry all the while.
What is the point of this long winded story you may be asking yourself?
I guess the point is that I looked in the room while laying on the floor writhing in fake pain and saw Brian laughing pretty hard. So, I guess that's the point. His sense of humor (along with MANY other things) is right where it used to be.
Other than that, he looks great. At one point in our visit (he was sitting in a wheelchair) he stretched his right leg out and rested it on the bed. That was cool too. Was very mobile, moved his chair around at times for better positioning and stuff.
Just amazing to see the improvements made from his time at Harper. The place he's at now is awesome! Very clean, lots of room, nice people.
Rachel: Awesome decoration job.
Kelly: Awesome wedding pics (and captions) you put up there.
I guess that's it. Sorry if I bored you. I'll leave the blogging to Aunty Marcy from here on out.
God is at work here. No doubt in my mind, after seeing his improvements. Everybody keep praying...
Edit: I just read Marcy's blog and a comment about the "not as talkative" she mentioned.
While Brian certainly spoke at times, he was silent for the majority of the time we were there. From MY perspective he was a regular Tommy Talks-a-lot, but I guess since I last saw him (in Detroit), it blew me away to have the level of conversation we had w/him.
I get the sense that it may take extreme amounts of effort and concentration AT THIS POINT for him to speak. Just my opinion, but I think the speaking will come as he heals.
Edit: I just read Marcy's blog and a comment about the "not as talkative" she mentioned.
While Brian certainly spoke at times, he was silent for the majority of the time we were there. From MY perspective he was a regular Tommy Talks-a-lot, but I guess since I last saw him (in Detroit), it blew me away to have the level of conversation we had w/him.
I get the sense that it may take extreme amounts of effort and concentration AT THIS POINT for him to speak. Just my opinion, but I think the speaking will come as he heals.
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