Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ben's Recap

Gas money to get to the Bowling alley? A few bucks.

Tacky collared bowling shirt? $20

Bowling shoes? $50

Beer? Depends on how much of a boozehound you are.

Bowling 4 Brian? Priceless.

....WELL, not exactly PRICELESS. More like $10,900. That is how much money was raised at the little shindig we threw last weekend. And I am still receiving donations.

(sorry for that unbelievably crappy MasterCard analogy, I've been busy all day and am really tired)

Anyway, I thought you might be interested in knowing what you did to help the Becketts.

All this money came from people who were there, and people who sent money through the mail.

The people who donated their time and money are amazing, and we all thank you for your contributions.

I was thinking, all you hear about on the news is gloom and doom. The world is ending, global warming will destroy us all in the next 5 years, you will surely die if you answer your cell phone while pumping gas, and Britney Spears shaved her head and proceeded to viciously attack a paparazzi dude.

Under this barrage, you tend to forget that positive things happen from time to time.

A little interesting tidbit: 3 or 4 people that we don't know from Adam, but who were bowling at the alley at the same time the fundraiser was going on, came up and gave us cash. Out of the blue. Complete Strangers. Giving us their hard earned cash.

I guess people like you, and the aforementioned strangers, coming together to help a family makes for boring headlines and crappy ratings, but to me, it sure helps maintain one's faith in humanity.

It was unbelievably fun. Sur got top score, and Zo came in second. Of course they had the bumpers up so they wouldn't throw gutterballs.

I took video of the event. We had an after party at Mark and Carey's. Brian loved it too - he remembered it all the next day.

Next bowlathon, he'll be bowling with the rest of us, God willing.

One final thing, a Bible verse my mom brought up the other day has resonated with me, and I thought I'd share it here. This scripture serves as a Biblical shout-out to you fine donater folks, and also as a thank you note expressed in words I couldn't conjure up myself at this late hour:

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." (Galations 6: 9-10)

I'd say that just about sums it up...

Once again to everybody: Thanks!!!

1 comment:

auntdeb said...

Our God is an awesome God!